ass, saya mau ganti rekening dari muamalat ke BSM. terus bonus yg bln maret kan belum ditransfer karena dibawah 100rb, kalau saya ganti rekening BSM sekarang bisa gak bonusnya masuk ke BSM saya.Terus saya ngasih data no rekening ke mana?
22May 10, 2012 at 12:47 pm1d8Just the title is a well owned distraction.This isnt a pirategame thats for sure. Buying just because the title contains the word “pirate”. And the “waters”… hmmm if the title would be “black islands” then the whole game would make some sense for the customers.What changes am I advise for the game? If we had the opportunity to tame the endboss. X)d7
Sometime back I posted a blog regarding Future of Client Programming using HTML5, AJAX, JavaScript, JavaScript Libraries (e.g. jQuery) on ajay555 wordpress blog. People watching this video might find it useful.
4 komentarze
You’re on top of the game. Thanks for shrnaig.
ass, saya mau ganti rekening dari muamalat ke BSM. terus bonus yg bln maret kan belum ditransfer karena dibawah 100rb, kalau saya ganti rekening BSM sekarang bisa gak bonusnya masuk ke BSM saya.Terus saya ngasih data no rekening ke mana?
22May 10, 2012 at 12:47 pm1d8Just the title is a well owned distraction.This isnt a pirategame thats for sure. Buying just because the title contains the word “pirate”. And the “waters”… hmmm if the title would be “black islands” then the whole game would make some sense for the customers.What changes am I advise for the game? If we had the opportunity to tame the endboss. X)d7
Sometime back I posted a blog regarding Future of Client Programming using HTML5, AJAX, JavaScript, JavaScript Libraries (e.g. jQuery) on ajay555 wordpress blog. People watching this video might find it useful.